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Editing Step 1 —

Step Type:

Drag to rearrange

Remove things that are in the way of valve cover. In Figure 1 we removed strut bar, throttle cable, brake booster hose, oil breather hoses, and part of the wiring harness that bolted to valve cover.

Remove the valve cover and the timing chain guide.

Figure 1- Engine bay before- To loosen sprocket bolts, leave transmission in 5th gear to lock up the engine.

Using an extension (or breaker bar), loosen the two sprocket bolts as shown in image 2. Don't remove bolts- just loosen.

Put the transmission back into neutral so you can manually turn the crank in the next step.

Figure 2- Loosening cam sprocket bolts- Use socket and breaker bar to hand crank the engine until the #1 piston is at TDC.

Verify TDC- Crank pulley timing marks should be at 2nd to the left mark while the notches on the exhaust cam sprocket is pointing perpendicular to the surface of the cylinder head

Exhaust Cam- 10 o'clock position Intake Cam- 12 o'clock position