Figure 1- Remove the timing chain tensioner then remove the cam sprocket bolts that you loosened earlier.
With an extra set of hands, carefully pull the intake cam sprocket away from the cam while keeping tension on the chain so that it does not jump or skip.
Figure 2- Installing Exhaust Cam- Mark intake cam sprocket and chain's position. Carefully pull the exhaust cam sprocket away from the cam while keeping it tensioned with your hands.
Once sprocket is separated from the cam, replace the cam shaft with the Tomei Poncam
Figure 2- Rotate the cam until the notch in the front of the cam is oriented in the same direction as the old cam.
If done correctly, the sprocket should fit right back on without any issues. Re-install the sprocket bolt and hand screw- do not torque yet. Re-install cam towers for the new cam- do not torque yet.
Repeate step 2 for the intake side. Remove and replace the cam.
Have someone keep the timing chain tensioned so it just not skip any links/teeths. Carefully remove the intake sprocket from the chain while keeping it tensioned.
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